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Welcome at our Microsoft Office Knowledge center. Our company Westhaghe Training & Advies is able to measure your level of knowledge within a particular application of Microsoft Office. There are separate tests for Excel, Word, Outlook and PowerPoint. Each test consists of multiple choice questions.

Based on the answers you give, our system is calculating which level of training will be the best. From the test results it is a simple tool, to make an inventory of the need for training within Microsoft Office. Before accessing the test, you have to register with a account. You can do this simply by entering your name (first and last name) and email address (please use your business email address) and choose a username and password. Your data will be used Confidential and solely to get an overview of the completed tests.

If you have any questions and / or comments, you can find our contact information on the contact page. The rights of these online knowledge tests are at the Westhaghe Training & Advies training institute. For more information about the rights, please contact us at 020-3080466.